Professional History:

  • I started out in fine arts, went to art school but never finished. I’m mostly self taught and not finishing school left me with a desire to be a lifelong learner over my career which started in games at the age of 19.

  • I grew up in Sri Lanka and moved to the US when I was 8 and my parents started their lives over in a new country to make things better for us.  Their hard work certainly left an impression on me and my work ethic. 

  • I’ve worked with larger teams and smaller teams in various roles and a variety of experiences which gave me the confidence to start Outerloop Games.  We’re currently a team of 16 working on a Desi themed game about family expectations, romance, and skating, called Thirsty Suitors

  • My role now changes daily but consists of design work, UI/UX, creative direction, art direction, marketing, production, HR, business development and occasional game trailers.

  • We’ve been a fully remote team since 2017 to be able to work with a diverse group of people in and outside the US. We’re spread across four continents.

  • When not making our games, I spend my time mentoring and helping other game developers from feedback on their pitches and games to connecting them with publishers and funding sources. 

Email eka[at]